Table of loglangs and quasi-loglangs

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Revision as of 05:06, 20 June 2021 by Selguha (talk | contribs) (Added Liva to table. Left unfinished due to unexpected difficulty comprehending the grammar. Bookmarking to return.)
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name year major type speakable family SSM strategy (word level) compounding system serial predicate semantics basic word order syntax control other features
Loglan 1955 loglang yes Loglanian clusters, stress, pauses decomposable blends and interfixing vague, contextual SVO but flexible parenthesis-like control words
Lojban 1987 loglang yes Loglanian clusters, stress, pauses decomposable blends and interfixing vague, contextual SVO but flexible parenthesis-like control words
Gua\spi 1989 loglang yes Guaspian A+B+ chunks through serial predicates compositional flexible tones move across layers of nesting
Liva 1995 loglang yes its own A+B+ chunks nondecomposable concatenation VSO
The Toaq family 2014, 2017 loglang yes Guaspian A+B+ chunks, tones nondecomposable concatenation compositional VSO with topic-fronting tones indicate syntax of predicate words
Ceqli 1990(?) quasi-loglang IAL yes Ceqlian A+B+ chunks through serial predicates vague SVO but flexible word-order-based
Xorban 2012 loglang yes Xorbanian A+B+ chunks, clusters decomposable interfixing separate predicates SOV predicate words contain explicit variables (freely assignable polypersonal agreement markers)
Latejami 1995 machine translation interlingua yes Morneauvian A+B+ consonant patterns through periphrasis VSO explicitly marked parts of speech extensive derivational morphology
The Ithkuil family 2004, 07, 11, 20 engelang yes its own pitch accent, templatic morphology root incorporation, affixation grammatical-case-based (VSO) PoS marking